Gal Gadot‘s portrayal of Wonder Woman in the DCEU remains iconic to this day. She was expertly cast as the iconic superhero; however, the actress faced stiff competition in the audition process.
The actress joined the franchise alongside Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill and was lauded as one of the brightest lights for her portrayal of Diana Prince in 2016′s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Since then, Gal has yielded the Lasso of Truth and Diana’s iconic gauntlets against villains in multiple projects, including two solo movies. There have been ongoing questions about her future in the franchise, which will reset with the release of Superman.
While she’s synonymous with the character now, Gal had to audition for it alongside several other stars. In fact, we can say for a fact that she faced off against at least three actresses to land the part.
Of them, two opened up about their experience auditioning. One of them even explained why they knew that they “never” had a chance to land it.
After her costar Chris Pine recently weighed in on the future of Wonder Woman, we decided to round up the other actresses who were up for the role.