The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie starring Megan Fox, which came out in 2014, has been plagued by controversy since its first announcement. Frustrated by angry fans lashing out at the rebooted series, Fox once went on a heated rant against her detractors.
The fifth movie of the franchise and the first movie in the rebooted series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles boasts some loyal fan base. The fans who were angered by the idea of a reboot were also against Megan Fox’s casting in the film. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Peter Laird slammed Michael Bay‘s decision to cast Megan Fox as April O’Neil on his blog.
At the time, Laird wrote, “My only exposure to Megan Fox as an actress is through her role in two Transformers movies and the wretched (but happily forgettable) Jennifer’s Body. It may not be fair to judge her range of acting skills just from those three movies, but I think it is safe to say that there are probably hundreds of better choices for the role of April O’Neil.”
Frustrated by the critics, Megan Fox, in a 2014 press conference (via Independent), told critics of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie where to go in a heated rant against detractors.
Fox said, “Let me tell you something about those people: How much money did Transformers 4 make? Those people can complain—they all go to the theater.”
For the record, the first two Transformers movies featuring Megan Fox collectively made over $1.5 Billion worldwide.
Fox continued, “They’re going to love it, and if they don’t love it, they can f**k off, and that’s the end of that.”
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot, which also featured William Fichtner, Alan Ritchson, Johnny Knoxville, and Will Arnett, grossed almost $493 million at the box office.